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Publications 1975 - 1996

Publikationen 1975-1996

Lehrbücher und Reviews

1. Wild P.: Das Auge. In: Lehrbuch der Anatomie von Hund und Katze, Hrsg. J. Frewein und B. Vollmerhaus. Paul Parey, Berlin. 414-432, 1994.

2. Wild P. (Editor): The structure of parathyroids in man and animals. Microsc. Res. Techn. 32: 77-179, 1995.

3. Wild P. and T. Setoguti: The mammalian parathyroids - morphological and functional impli- cations. Microsc. Res. Techn. 32: 120-128, 1995

4. Setoguti T., Y. Inoue and P. Wild: The biological significance of storage granules in rat para- thyroid cells. Microsc. Res. and Techn. 32: 148-163, 1995

Frühe Publikationen

1. Wild P. und S. Meier: Sekundärer nutritiver Hyperparathyreoidismus bei jungen Hunden. I. Spontanfälle. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 117, 485-492, 1975

2. Meier S. und P. Wild: Sekundärer nutritiver Hyperparathyreodismus bei jungen Hunden. II. Experimentelle Fälle. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 117, 569-575, 1975

3. Wild P. and A.C. Rowland: Systemic cartilage defect in a calf. Vet. Pathol. 15: 332-338, 1978

4. Wild P., H.U. Bertschinger und K. Zerobin: Raster- und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen von diploiden bovinen Spermien. Zuchthygiene 13: 107-112, 1978

Funktion der Nebenschilddrüse

1. Wild P.: Correlative light- and electron-microscopic study of parathyroid glands in dogs of different age groups. Acta Anat. 108: 340-349, 1980

2. Wild P. and M. Becker: Response of dog parathyroid glands to short-term alterations of serum calcium. Acta Anat. 108: 361-369, 1980

3. Wild P. and E. Manser: Morphometric analysis of parathyroid glands in neonatal and growing dogs. Acta Anat. 108: 350-360, 1980

4. Wild P., D. Bitterli and M. Becker: Quantitative changes of membranes in rat parathyroid cells related to variations of serum calcium. Lab. Invest. 47: 370-374, 1982

5. Wild P., E.M. Schraner and E. Eggenberger: Quantitative aspects of membrane shift in rat parathyroid cells initiated by decrease of serum calcium. Biol. Cell 50: 263-272, 1984

6. Wild P. and E.M. Manser: Ultrastructural morphometry of parathyroid cells in rats of different ages. Cell Tissue Res. 240: 585-592, 1985

7. Wild P., S. Gloor and E. Vetsch: Quantitative aspects of membrane behavior in rat para- thyroid cells after depression or elevation of serum calcium. Lab. Invest. 52: 490-496, 1985

8. Wild P. and E.M. Manser: Postnatal changes of the ultrastructure in dog parathyroid cells. Zbl. Vet. Med. A, 33: 161-168, 1986

9. Wild P., E.M. Schraner and P. Santini-Willmes: Effects of estradiol on parathyroid cell activity. Experientia 45: 1121-1123, 1989

10. Wild P. and E.M. Schraner: ATPase activities are restricted to the apical and lateral domain of the plasma membrane in parathyroid cells. Proc. XII Int. Congr. Electron Microsc. 3: 910- 911, 1990

11. Wild P. and E.M. Schraner: Parathyroid cell polarity as revealed by cytochemical demon- stration of ATP-ases, alkaline phosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase. Histochemistry, 94: 409- 414, 1990

12. Wild P., Bächler C., Bertoni G. and Schraner E.M.: Morphometric analysis of parathyroids in hypophysectomied rats in normocalcaemic and short-term induced hypocalcaemic conditions. Acta Anat. 147: 152-158, 1993

13. Limacher W., P. Wild, E. Manser and H. Lutz: Identification of immuno-reactive sites in bovine parathyroid cells to antibodies raised against the NH2-terminal of parathyroid hormone. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 27: 1209-1214, 1979

14. Bertoni G., T. Torresani, E.M. Schraner and P. Wild: Unimpaired membrane dynamics in parathyroid cells in insulin deficient rats. Virchows Arch. B, 55: 31-37, 1988

15. Keller B., E.M. Schraner and P. Wild: Morphometric analysis of compartments concerned with secretion of parathyroid hormone in male and female rats. Acta Anat. 141: 324-328, 1991

16. Brunner M., E.M. Schraner and P. Wild: Cellular changes in rat parathyroids provoked by progesterone and testosterone. Cell Tiss. Res. 268: 283-286, 1992

Methodische Aspekte

1. Wild P., E.M. Schraner, H. Augsburger, R. Beglinger and R. Pfister: Ultrastructural alterations in parathyroid glands induced by fixation. Acta Anat. 126: 87-96, 1986

2. Wild P., S.J. Kellner and E.M. Schraner: Parathyroid cell variants may be provoked during immersion fixation. Histochemistry 87: 263-271, 1987

3. Marti R., P. Wild, E.M. Schraner, M. Müller and H. Moor: Parathyroid ultrastructure after aldehyde fixation, high-pressure freezing or microwave irradiation. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 35: 1415-1424, 1987

4. Wild P., G. Bertoni, E.M. Schraner and R. Beglinger: Influence of calcium and magnesium containing fixatives of the ultrastructure of parathyroids. Micron Microsc. Acta 18: 259-271, 1987

5. Wild P., M. Krähenbühl and E.M. Schraner: Potency of microwave irradiation during fixation for electron microscopy. Histochemistry 91: 213-220, 1989

6. Wild P. and E.M. Schraner: Quantitative assessment of cellular changes provoked by microwave enhanced fixation of parathyroids. Histochemistry 92: 69-72, 1989

7. Wild P., E.M. Schraner und R. Weilenmann: Mikrowellenenergie als Möglichkeit zur Fixation in der Licht- und Elektronenmikroskopie. Histo. J.

8: 36-42, 1989 8. Wild P.: Application of microwave energy during fixation of tissue for electron microscopy. Europ. J. Morphol. 29: 67-70, 1991

9. Kuhn D. and P. Wild: Influence of buffers during fixation on the appearance of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and glycogen in hepatocytes of normal and glycogen-depleted rats. Histochemistry 97: 5-11, 1992

Analyse von Fimbrien

1. Bertschinger H.U., M. Bachmann, C. Mettler, A. Pospischil, E.M. Schraner, M. Stamm, T. Sydler and P. Wild: Adhesive fimbriae produced in vivo by Escherichia coli 0139:K12(B): H1 associated with enterotoxaemia in pigs. Vet. Microbiol. 25: 267-281, 1990

2. Imberechts H., H. De Greve, C. Schlicker, H. Bouchet, P. Pohl, G. Charlier, H.-U. Bertschinger, P. Wild, J. Vandekerckhove, J. Van Damme, M. Van Montagu, and P. Lintermans: Characteri-zation of F107 fimbriae ofEscherichia coli 107/86, which causes edema disease in pigs, and nucleotide sequence of the major fimbrial subunit gene, fedA. Infect. Immun.60:1963-1971, 1992

3. Imberechts H., H. De Greve, J.-P. Hernalsteens, C. Schlicker, H. Bouchet, P. Pohl, G. Charlier, H.-U. Bertschinger, P. Wild, J. Vandekerckhove, J. Van Damme, M. Van Montagu, and P. Lintermans: The role of adhesive F 107 fimbriae and of SLT-IIv toxin in the pathogenesis of edema disease in pigs. Zbl. Bakt. 278: 445-450, 1993

4. Wild P., E.M. Schraner, H.U. Bertschinger and H. Imberechts: Demonstration of F107 fimbriae by negative staining or Pt-C shadowing. Proc. XIIIth Int. Congr. Electron Microsc. Vol. 3B, 1321-1322.1994

5. Rippinger P., H.U. Bertschinger, H. Imberechts, B. Nagy, I. Sorg, M. Stamm, P. Wild and W. Wittig: Designations F18ab and F18ac for the related fimbrial types F107, 2134P and 8813 of Escherichia coli isolated from porcine postweaning diarrhoea and from oedema diseases. Vet. Microbiol. 45: 281-295, 1995.

6. Imberechts H., P. Wild, G. Charlier, H. De Greve, P. Lintermans and P. Pohl: Characteri- zation of F18 fimbrial genes FedE and FedF involved in adhesion and length of enterotoxemic Escherichia coli strain 107/86. Microbiol. Pathogen. 21: 183-192, 1996

Wirkung von Lysozym

1. Pellegrini A., U. Thomas, R. von Fellenberg and P. Wild: Bactericidal activities of lysozyme and aprotinin against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria related to their basic character. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 72: 180-187, 1992.

2. Gabrieli A., P. Wild, E.M. Schraner, A. Pellegrini, and R. von Fellenberg: How does lysozyme affect Eschrichia coli: Questions arising from impact frozen and freeze-substituted bacteria. Proc. Microsc. Microanal. MSA, 876-877, 1995

Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit

1. Stünzi H., F. Ehrensperger, P. Wild und W. Leemann: Systemische Haut- und Unterhaut- amyloidose beim Pferd. Vet. Pathol. 12: 405-414, 1975

2. Becker M. und P. Wild: Das seromuskuläre Nahtverfahren am Pansen und Dickdarm beim Rind und am Dünndarm des Göttinger Miniaturschweines. Berl. Münch. Tierärztl. Wschr. 90: 292-295, 1977

3. Hauser B. and P. Wild: Two unusual sertoli cell tumours in dogs. J. Comp. Pathol. 88: 327- 333, 1978

4. Zerobin K., H.U. Bertschinger und P. Wild: Hereditäres Vorkommen von diploiden Spermien im Ejakulat bei Stieren der Schweizer Braunviehrasse. Zuchthygiene 13: 113-120, 1978

5. Peterhans E., E. Haenggeli, P. Wild und R. Wyler: Mitochondrial calcium uptake during in- fection of chicken embryo cells with Semliki Forest Virus. J. Virology 29: 143-152, 1979

6. Mettler F., M. Engels, P. Wild und A. Bivetti: Herpesvirus-Infektion bei Zicklein in der Schweiz. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 121: 655-662, 1979

7. Becker M. und P. Wild : Mikrozirkulation und Hufrehe. Tierärztl. Prax. 9: 495-502, 1981

8. Corboz L. und P. Wild: Epidemiologie der Haemophilus-somnus-Infektion beim Rind: Ver- gleich von Stämmen in der Polyacrylamidgel-Elektrophorese (PAGE). Schweiz. Arch. Tier- heilk. 123: 79-88, 1981

9. Denac M., P. Wild und K. Heider: Experimentelles interstitielles Lungenemphysem beim Pferd. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 123: 573-586, 1981

10. Waldvogel A., M. Engels, P. Wild, H. Stünzi und R. Wyler: Caprine herpesvirus infection in Switzerland: Some aspects of its pathogenicity. Zbl. Vet. Med. B, 28: 612-623, 1981

11. Thun R., P. Wild, F. Mettler and M. Djafarian: The effect of o,p'-DDD on the adrenal cortex in sheep. Experientia 38: 1494-1496, 1982

12. Köhler P., J. Gisler, R. Bachmann and P. Wild: The localization of fumarase and malic enzyme in muscle mitochondria of ascaris suum. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 9: 329-336, 1983

13. Suter M., G. Lott-Stolz and P. Wild: Generalized nodular dermatofibrosis in six alsations. Vet. Pathol. 20: 632-634, 1983

14. Waldvogel A., P. Wild and Ch. Wegmann: Membranoproliferative glomerulo-nephritis in a horse. Vet. Pathol. 20: 500-503, 1983

15. Mettler F., P. Wild, H. Geyer, H. Augsburger, and E. Manser: Ultrastructural studies on lactating mammary glands of goats before and after milking. Zbl. Vet. Med. A, 31: 213-219, 1984

16. Wolff K., B. Hauser und P. Wild: Dicrocoeliose des Schafes: Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese und zur Regeneration der Leber nach Therapie. Berl. Münch. Tierärztl. Wschr. 97: 378-387, 1984

17. Witzig P., M. Suter, P. Wild, V.H. Rao, B. Steinmann und A. von Rotz: Dermatosparaxie bei einem Fohlen und einem Rind, - eine seltene Krankheit. Schw. Arch. Tierheilk. 126: 589-596, 1984

18. Von Rotz A., P. Wild, J. Gauglhofer, M. Suter, V.H. Rao und B. Steinmann: Dermatosparaxie beim Rind - ein seltener Lederschaden. Das Leder 36: 49-54, 1985

19. Hermann M., D. Baumann, H. Lutz und P. Wild: Erster diagnostizierter Fall von equiner Ehrlichiose in der Schweiz. Pferdeheilkunde 1: 247-250, 1985

20. Engels M., C. Giuliani, T.M. Beck, P. Wild, E. Loepfe and R. Wyler: The genome of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) strains exhibiting a neuropathogenic potential compared to known BHV-1 strains by restriction site mapping and cross-hybridisation. Virus Res. 6: 57-73, 1986

21. Braun U., G. Winkler, P. Wild und R. Eicher: Anaplasmose beim Rind in der Schweiz. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 129: 113-124, 1987

22. Engels M., E. Loepfe, P. Wild, E.M. Schraner and R. Wyler: The genome of caprine herpes- virus 1: genome structure and relatedness to bovine herpesvirus 1. J. Gen. Virol. 68: 2019- 2033, 1987

23. Ehrensperger F., B. Hauser and P. Wild: Epidermiolysis bullosa beim Schaflamm. Tierärztl. Umschau 42: 697-700, 1987

24. Sonderer B., P. Wild, R. Wyler, A. Fontana, E. Peterhans and M. Schwyzer: Murine glia cells in culture can be stimulated to generate reactive oxygen. J. Leukocyte Biol. 42: 463-473, 1987

25. Fraefel C., S. Song, F. Lim, P. Lang, L. Yu, Y. Wang, P. Wild and I. Geller: A helper virus-free packaging system for HSV-1 plasmid vectors. J. Virol. 70: 7190-7197, 1996